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돌아와보는밤 세상으로부터 돌아오듯이 이제 내 좁은방에 돌아와 불을 끄옵니다。불을 켜두는것은 너무나 피로롭은 일이옵니다。그것은 낮의 延長이옵기에―― 이제 窓을 열어 空氣를 밖구어 드려야할턴데 밖을 가만이 내다 보아야 房안과같이 어두어 꼭 세상같은데 비를 맞고 오든길이 그대로 비속에 젖어 있사옵니다。 하로의 울분을 씻을바 없어 가만히 눈을 감으면 마음속으로 흐르는 소리、이제、思想이 능금처럼 저절로 익어 가옵니다。 미움이란 말 미움이란 말 속에보기 싫은 아픔 미움이란 말 속에하잔한 뉘침그러나 그 말씀 씹히고 씹힐 때한 꺼풀 넘치어 흐르는 눈물
March, 1 if (digitalRead(buttonPin)){ delay(10);while(digitalRead(buttonPin)); //hold button untill released (just same as buttonClicked)stateCount++;delay(10);} https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/StateChangeDetection or is copying from top / && is ??101/0000/0masking March, 22http://digitalmedia.risd.edu/pbadger/PhysComp/index.php?n=Main.VoltageDivider measure current;- meter to be huge resista..
Arnold ; arnold shade in hypershade ; increased intensity + exposure dramatically also in arnold render mode, object's surface should be assigned with arnold shade surfaced via hypershade and should increase intensity dramatically in spotlight OMG lightening so complicatedAlso important to know aiAtmosphereVolume value! below is setting of these lightsarealight1 > intensity: 50000 / Decayrate : ..
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2439194https://www.instructables.com/id/Simple-Camera-Slider-Electronics/https://www.instructables.com/id/Motorized-Camera-Slider-With-Android-App/ OpenBuilds https://openbuilds.com/builds/v-slot%E2%84%A2-linear-actuator-build-belt-driven.80/Parts Shopping!pre-built parts : https://openbuilds.com/builds/v-slot%E2%84%A2-linear-actuator-build-belt-driven.80/ ht..
Artist : golan levin http://kennywong.co/works/http://www.amyarchambault.com/projects/#/inmotion/ (BANG) DIY source : http://neolucida.com/diy/ https://www.ebay.com/itm/Threaded-rod-linear-guide-rail-with-motor-and-ball-screw-for-cnc-Linear-Actuator-/282569655360https://www.mcmaster.com/#standard-plastic-sheets/=1bup2dm http://academy.kaziunas.com/tutorials/drawbot.phphttps://www.google.com/sear..
http://www.keyxl.com/aaab24a/249/Autodesk-Maya-keyboard-shortcuts.html 1 : undo mesh smooth display mode 2 : smooth version of geometry with original grid outline3 : mesh smooth display mode only (without grid outline)4 : wire frame5 : solid object6 : shaded display7 : lights on! alt + leftmouseButton : rotate aroundrightmouseButton : zoom in+out aroundmiddlemouseButton : dolly aroundmiddlemouse..