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-imageshttp://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian/images/raspbian-2015-05-07/2015-05-07 16:54 https://beautifier.io/ http://matthewepler.github.io/2016/01/05/piwall.html - for somereason raspberryPi 1 only plays MJPG (motion jpg) with 640x480http://www.bigasoft.com/ > converterhttps://mediaarea.net/en/MediaInfo > this for media information host verification ; when raspberry PI software changes an..
API _ stands for Application Program InterfaceJSON _ stands for JavaScript Object NotationCVS _ stands for Comma Separated Value this tutorial shows how to reach api through an updated version of NYTimes. so adding url source code directly to html by using and , sequence matters critically. what I mean you can see below : this is the one working, scripts listed in this order : p5.dom.min.js come..
5.4: Functions Inside of Objects - p5.js Tutorial in javaScript, Object{ name: value } pair!!!!!!!!! basically, adding functions and properties to Objects in javascript looks like this: var object = { myvar : "12", mymethod : function(test) { return something; } } then call mymethod like: object.mymethod(parameter); or the deeper version : var object = { object2 : { mymethod : function(test) { r..