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목록짧은문구스크랩 (28)
https://www.experiencer.org/a-new-perspective-on-reality/ Our brains mathematically construct “concrete” reality by interpreting frequencies from another dimension, a realm of meaningful, patterned primary reality that transcends time and space. The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.
http://www.miguelangelmartinez.net/IMG/pdf/2001_Rose_Visual_Methodologies_book.pdf This sort of argument can take very diverse forms. But recently, many writers addressing these issues have argued that the visual is central to the cultural construction of social life in contemporary Western societies. It is now often suggested that much meaning is conveyed by visual images. We are, of course, su..
Irony is about contradictions that do not resolve into the larger wholes, even dialectically, about the tension of holding incompatinle things together because both or all are necessary and true. Irony is about humour and serious play. It is also a rhetorical strategy and a political method, one I would like to see more honoured within socialist feminism. At the centre of my ironic faith, my bla..
한국어번역http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=artfirm&logNo=90158077340&redirect=Dlog&widgetTypeCall=true Laissez Faire Capitalism. "Laissez Faire" is French for "leave alone" which means that the government leaves the people alone regarding all economic activities. It is the separation of economy and state. There are two ways that a government typically is tempted to interfere with the economy..
Time can be measured by the loss of structure in our system, its tendency to sink back into that original chaos from which it may have emerged... One meaning of time is a drift toward inertia. - 48P
In his book The Structure of Art, Jack Burnham aptly points out the differences of what he calls 'formal' and 'historical' transgressions, and how these transgressions are dynamic ways that art can and does shift our focus. The rifts that these transgressions create is an opening for further understanding of art and culture - perhaps even leaps in consciousness. - 9P This moment, while sometimes..
1. The question for everyday aesthetics therefore becomes not what are the formal properties of this object that make it beautiful, but rather what is the relation between subject and object that makes this particular experience of that object beautiful. ...general arguments for application of aesthetic criticism to objects and events that have been, until recently, exempt from this sort of scru..
1. It(imagination) is the wager of philosophy, however, that we may come to know more about it by asking questions of it. Not that knowing is everything. But it can, at best, heighten our appreciation. And better to appreciate what it means to imagine is, as I will argue, better to appreciate what it means to be. _ 1p2. The biblical tradition of commentary identifies imagination with the knowled..
자신을 버리고 변화하는 자는 늘 아름다운 법이다. ...저마다 자신이 더듬어 본 것이 전부라고 생각하거나, 그 일부를 갖고.... 자신의 경험만을 갖고 시비를 가리게 된다.
래디컨트(THE RADICANT)------ ..그러나 1980년대 이후 소위, 문화가 단위가 되는 포스트모던 프레임 하에서 미술은... 각기 다른 무수히 많은 시각 언어들로 간주되었다. 그 결과, 미술의 상대주의가 형성되었으며 많은 미술가들이 속한 지방색을 드러내는 것이 그 미술가의 정체성으로 이해되었다. -7P ...현대 미술가들은 차이를 인정하면서... 다른 문화권의 요소들을 '번역'하고 있다. -9P 부리요는 이처럼 번역 행위를 통해 '상호 연관된' 현대의 보편주의를 '래디컨트'라는 용어로.. '래디컨트'는 나무들 주변을 타고 올라가는 담쟁이와 같이, 땅 위에 뿌리를 박는다는 의미를 가진 식물학 용어이다. 그는 영토로 변하는 시간과 공간의 상호성을 강조하고자.. 시간이 공간화된다. -9P 당시엔 ..