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목록전체 글 (470)
https://www.sketch.com/docs/libraries/ Libraries Sketch is a design toolkit built to help you create your best work — from your earliest ideas, through to final artwork. www.sketch.com https://www.sketch.com/docs/symbols/ Symbols Sketch is a design toolkit built to help you create your best work — from your earliest ideas, through to final artwork. www.sketch.com https://www.sketch.com/docs/symb..
https://www.linkedin.com/learning/ux-foundations-research/why-is-user-experience-research-important?u=57686553 UX Foundations: Research - Why is user experience research important? This video discusses the key reasons that UX research helps a business: saving development or process costs, increasing customer happiness and loyalty, and uncovering opportunities to earn more. Research helps inform ..
출산했다! 25일 예정일인데 하루전인 24일에 낳았으니 아주 정확하게 39주 6일차에 나와준 일정 철저한 우리 고구마..♥♥ 예정일을 넘기고 자연분만을 못할까 걱정되어 매일 만보이상걷기 + 28층인 우리집까지 계단 걸어올라가기를 38주차부터 열심히 했었다. 출산하는 방식도 여러가지, 힘겨운 과정을 통해 아기가 나오는 만큼 막달 운동 강도는 예상보다 훨씬 쎘다. 계속 러닝도 하고 운동을 했었으니 저정도를 매일 했지만 솔직히 출산하러 24일에 양수가 터져서 입원할때까지 다리 근육통이 가진통보다 더 심해서 자궁이 2센티 열릴때까지 가진통이 가진통인지도 긴가민가했다. 덧붙여 어디선가 본, 두발로 걸으면 가진통 네발로 기어야 진진통이라는 말에 꽂혀서 자궁이 4센티 열려 무통을 맞을때까지도 이게 내진할만큼 심한 진..
Pixel-Point 1. Design UI elements in 1x size. 2. Check the IOS device sheet, and work in points dimension in Sketch or XD. (1x) 3. Design in 1x vs others Mostly translated from Medium : https://medium.com/@pnowelldesign/pixel-density-demystified-a4db63ba2922 Pixel Density, Demystified How pixel density works and how it affects your designs. medium.com and Vimeo : https://vimeo.com/169809377 http..
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7423746/how-to-mirror-photoshop-window-to-iphone-ipad-screen-for-mockup-development How to mirror Photoshop window to iPhone/iPad screen for mockup/development? Is it possible to live preview a photoshop document on an iPhone or iPad? I tried it with VNC, but it only transfers a limited range of colors which is suboptimal. Is this possible with Apple's Dev... ..
Sketch + Zeplin + Marvel 1. Sketch - Vector 기반이라 다양한 해상도 적용가능 + Symbol + Plugin + Works with Zeplin(개발자협업유리) Toolbar Customize - right click on menu bar > customize Delete Artboard but keep the elements inside : select artboard > Ungroup from menu bar move space : space bar + move check space between elements, artboard : click element + alt Draw Shape : Shift (right ratio) / Option (from center)..
https://www.popwebdesign.net/photoshop_glass_effect.html How to Create a Glass Logo Effect in Photoshop How to Create a Glass Logo Effect in Photoshop. Step by step tutorial with detail explanation. www.popwebdesign.net
Day 1 컴퓨터 - 추상화 / 계층적 Variable - 변수 Branch - logic의 갈래 Loop/Iteration - Branch 가 순서대로 반복되는 것 절차지향 프로그래밍 Procedure Programming 객체지향 프로그램 Object-Oriented Programming encapsulation inheritance polymorphism > in relation to inheritance 상태와 행위, 그게 정의된 물체끼리 소통하는거 Day 2 Control flow - 코드 실행 방향 다루는 방법 : loop / iteration / if~else~ WEB - URL(index) / HTTP(action to call, access protocall) / HTML(format) ..
https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/DeviceInformation/Reference/iOSDeviceCompatibility/Displays/Displays.html Displays Displays The display is a key part of the great user experience on iOS devices. Users interact with the display surface, and see the results after an app reacts to these touches and updates the displayed image. Apple continues to improve the display hardwa ..