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Fastcampus - Sketch 본문
Sketch + Zeplin + Marvel
1. Sketch - Vector 기반이라 다양한 해상도 적용가능 + Symbol + Plugin + Works with Zeplin(개발자협업유리)
- Toolbar Customize - right click on menu bar > customize
- Delete Artboard but keep the elements inside : select artboard > Ungroup from menu bar
- move space : space bar + move
- check space between elements, artboard : click element + alt
- Draw Shape : Shift (right ratio) / Option (from center) / SpaceBar(move around)
- Text layer - click drag to set text box
- Shape - Radious to give different value to each point : Radious [0,100,0,100]
- F : fill turn on/off B : border turn on/off
- ctrl + C : spoid
- Select shape point in sequence : tab
- Shape open path / close patch
- draw drop icon - to make asymmetrical shape, copy-paste bezier handler position
- Text on path > create curve or path and click text - drag close to path
- you can calculate inspector section numbers > 100*2 (type in like this)
- select layer above > shift + tab
- select layer bottom > tab
- select layer and alt+cmd click-drag > allows layer to move without clicking it directly
- The designer should specify text alignment > By using text box > how long text area is (this will make Auto to fixed value in the inspector) > passing to the developer, text box should be Fixed
- Shape radius > (20,10,40,40) seperate with comma
- Mask > there are two ways to create mask.
- 1. Mask shape layer - image layer > select both and layer > mask > mask with selected shape
- 2. Mask shape layer > (right click) Mask > any layer or shape above it will be masked.
- 3. Alpha mask > Layer - mask - mask mode - alpha mask
- Layer blur effect > zoom blur / motion blur / background blur(need to unfill (uncheck fill)
- Too much blur in one decreases sketch performance
- Style could be copy and pasted by right click > copy style or alt+cmd+C > alt+cmd+V
- ctrl + C : color picker
- 아이콘 그리기 > first set the box area > draw icon inside > make shapes into combined shape by Union > unfill (uncheck Fill) the box area shape > Group combined shape and box area(Rectangle shape layer)
- Transform
- Ctrl + p : view as pixel mode
- thumbnail : Use mask shape with fill>patterm>choose image (you can also use as style, so alt+cmd+C and V works to chage image)
- 픽셀모드 > 이미지를 리소스로 출력해서 전달할때 이미지가 픽셀그리드에서 벗어나 깨진 레이어가 있진않은지 확인할때 요긴
- funtion + side arrow > switch between artboards
- funtion + updown arrow > switch pages
19. 스케치로 작업 효율도 높이기 - 02. 작업 효율을 높이는 기능
Design system
- layer style - reset layer style / update layer style / detach from layer style / organize layer style
- text style
- layer with shared style applied appear as purple icon at the left menu bar
- replace text font > right top - missing fonts (click and set to replace fonts)
- replace color > menu - edit - find and replace color (alt+cmd+F)
20. 스케치로 작업 효율도 높이기 - 03. 리사이징, 멀티 해상도 대응
- 조건부 리사이징 > select artboard > Adjust content on resize
- iPhone tap bar height is the same in iPad > set tap bar height fixed
- automatically centered icon will stay at the centered location with equal left-right margin. So SOCIAL logo icon does not need to have pin to edge set
21. 스케치로 작업 효율도 높이기 - 04. 심볼-기초
- 심볼편집 > overrides 는 편집가능한 텍스트 레이어가 들어가는듯. 왼쪽 예시의 경우 2 와 '내용을 재정의할수 있습니다' 가 이에 해당
- 심볼 내의 심볼을 설정하여 override setting을 심볼별로 넣어줄수도 있다.
- Also, override label and sequences are set same as layer name and arrange within symbol page
- To categorize symbols with file-tree system, using Categorie1/icon.
- try to make symbol templet cover as many cases as possible
22. 스케치로 작업 효율도 높이기 - 05. 심볼-심화
- 실무에서 사용하는 심볼의 종류: 공통 컴포넌트(네비게이션바, 탭바, 리스트...) / 각종아이콘(심볼내 심볼) > 요런애들은 일일이 꺼내쓰기 어려우니까 심볼 적용 및 정리된 페이지 만들어두고 복붙으로 작업하면 편하다!
- 심볼 만들때 주의할 점: Line / Shadow / icon-include area box (to set consistent margin&to use override - override automatically detects same dimension as same category) > use box as background without outline and fill
23. 스케치로 작업 효율도 높이기 - 06. 심볼로 작업 효율 높이기
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