
1080p / 1080i / 720p 본문


1080p / 1080i / 720p

YISUP 2012. 5. 28. 01:19

What Are 720p, 1080i and 1080p HDTV Resolutions?

From , former About.com Guide

High definition television (HDTV) is the highest form of digital television. It has a 16:9 aspect ratio, which is similar in appearance to a movie theater screen. HDTV has a couple of advantages over the old analog TV format -- the wide screen and the resolution.

The wide screen is good on our eyes -- we see the rectangular wide screen images better than the old square format. Basically, our eyes see better from left/right compared to up/down. The wide screen will also let us see more of the on-screen scene, which is great for sports and movies.

Resolution is undoubtedly HDTVs biggest selling point. HDTV's resolutions are 720p, 1080i and 1080p -- the number stands for the number of lines that create the image and the letter describes the type of scan used by the TV to display the picture.

Resolution matters because the more lines means a better picture. This is a similar concept to digital photos and how dpi determines print quality.

Which HDTV Format Is Better -- 720p, 1080i, or 1080p?

To put the 720 or 1080 lines into perspective, televisions of the past had 480 lines. Since more lines means a better picture then that alone shows why the HDTV has a nicer picture than an analog TV.

More lines is nice but don't forget about the 'p' and 'i' in the 720p, 1080i and 1080p. The letter is an abbreviation for the type of scan the TV uses -- 'p' stands for progressive and 'i' stands for interlaced.

Progressive scan is better than interlaced because it processes the images twice as fast. This faster scan rate produces better clarity and color in the on-screen picture.

The difference between 720p and 1080i is minimal but the TV industry is using 720p more than 1080i. So, buying a 720p HDTV is recommended over a 1080i HDTV.

As far as 1080p, there is no doubt that 1080p is the best resolution on the market. However, there is little to no difference in picture quality between a 1080p and 720p at the 32" and below screen size.



hdtv = high definition tv

16:9의 비율가짐. 눈에 편함.(영화관같은 비율임) 와이드스크린이란것과 해상도 두가지 이점이있음.

우리눈은 좌우 시야포착에 더편리하기 때문에 정사각형네모보다 와이드스크린을 더 편하게봄.


720p / 1080p / 1080i 에서 숫자는 이미지를 만드는 선의 수이며 문자는 tv가 이미지를 배열하는 스캔방식을 말함.

즉 720 보다 1080이 훨 고해상도임.

p = progressibe

i = interlaced

prograssive scanning 이 interlaced보다 두배 빠르게 이미지를 처리하기 때문에 스크린상 화질이 더 선명함.

때문에 1080p 가 최고이지만, 32인치 화면 이하에서는 별 차이를 못봄.. 특히 720p와 1080p간 차이는 미미함...

그래서 720p hdtv가 가장 권장되는 사양임.

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