- 유학생 건강검진
- wall display raspberrypi
- IR sensor
- 시이나링고
- 인천작업실
- 4대 대첩
- 라즈베리파이 와이파이
- 흥성전기
- sony nex vg20
- 막달운동
- formex
- 러쉬 해외 직구
- formex E400
- Arduino
- 세실내과
- 이슬비침
- 파이월
- Skins
- 도쿄지헨
- 월디스플레이
- raspberrypi wifi
- 東京事變
- 東京事変
- 라즈베리파이 모니터벽
- 세운전자상가
- 시온여성병원
- Shena Ringo
- piwall
- 동경사변
- Today
- Total
this and that 본문
1. Latest Capitalism
2. Gadget
3. Canvas(with movement)
4. Canvas(with light)
5. Canvas(with material)
6. Structure(of fundamentals)
7. Narrative(as old fairy tale peculier)
8. Daydreaming
9. Child dissapearence
10. Future
11. All the Revolving Cells(Tenderpixel)
Revolve is something circulating action or state on some point or stage. As term refers the whole process including the action of transformation and material or principle of it, such as time, history, water to vapor, organic decay into the earth as the base of life, increase of entropy as an increase of potential, therefore expected to something unexpected thing. Since we hope society and life are in a structure of predictable logic and control, providing a minimum of them as law, rest remains at somewhere resulting as under combination of choices among individuals, therefore, illogical, unpredictable way. Especially some phenomenon which appearing as out of general order or common rules - evaporation, mutation, immortal species -are applied as irregular or peril to society. For example, cancer and disease are critical issues to human being since they are out of control, existing in an abnormal way. Society may also resemble the way of regulation in terms of a concept of good and bad, standard of right and wrong, valuation toward a human being. Since the universe is expanding with the increase of entropy, I believe society is also expanding with accepting more irregular with tolerance. The question also uprises, what is next?
12. Seed
13. how to create a wider set of relations where nature is understood as a historical and material conditioning of social life(11.)
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