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how to use GitHub 본문
Basically, GitHub is sort of system creating repository at GitHub and copy&clone it to our local computer. By this way, it works like google drive. But it needs to be set up using terminal with command line, and steps are like this :
1. Create repository from GitHub
2. Copy&Clone it to local machine my terminal
3. work in that folder and commit > push to GitHub
cd ~/Documents/GitHub > to my GitHub directory
cd ../ > going upper level folder
ls > list
ls -a > list even hidden file
git clone + URL of repo
git log > check commit is there
q > to exit
git remote -v > shows remotes(which is not on my local com like google drive)
git pull > pull down from other's repository (like git.desktop sink thing)
git push -u origin master > only at the first time
git push origin master > opposite from above
*also if you accidentally created useless branch, and merged or deleted via GitHub desktop, anyway likely to get error when you try to push or type git pull, staying fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
as link above suggests,
git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories
will solve the problem though I could not figure out how to exit from the state. Anyway after typing that push enter and in my case I just quited terminal since I dont know how to navigate, then open termainal and go to GitHub repo again and commited and merging problem solved.
to upload changes to GitHub-
1) git status > check the status
2) git add . /git add + file name (git add new.html) > update commit to git hub
3) git commit -m "write a messege here"
4) git push origin master > to push commits to github repo un-to-date (repo is differ from my local com)
also be careful about branch. In my case master / lyric_styling are seperated.
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