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Maya2018_light 본문
Arnold ; arnold shade in hypershade ; increased intensity + exposure dramatically
also in arnold render mode, object's surface should be assigned with arnold shade surfaced via hypershade and should increase intensity dramatically in spotlight
OMG lightening so complicated
Also important to know aiAtmosphereVolume value!
below is setting of these lights
arealight1 > intensity: 50000 / Decayrate : Quadratic / Shadow Rays : 16 / Exposure : 0.1
arealight2 > intensity: 50000 / Decayrate : Quadratic / Shadow Rays : 16 / Exposure : 0.3
spotlight > intensity: 5000 / Decayrate : Quadratic / Penumbra Algle : 10.2 / Shadow Rays : 16 / Exposure : 0.2
Maya turn-off Light reflection/specular
select light > attribute editor > ###light Attributes > uncheck Emit specular
select object > go to shader menu > Specular > make weight to 0