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BROWN_Digital World CSCI0020 본문
- Internet of Things
- Blasie Pascal - done with decimal!?
- Babbage's Difference machine : almost like Excel
- Ada King (we have program language called Ada)
- Claude Shannon (Bell lab) - convert that sound into binary nums - capture sound waves transformed via molecular drumming in the ear(?sound wave, analog natural events into nums-like digital) how to encode natural phenomena to capture.
- Turing test - if we talk to a machine and cannot tell its machine or human being, like if we have a conversation, then we can tell whether the machine is intelligence or not.
- Enigma Machine - only sender & receiver can understand the code - stolen by German and made even sophisticated, used during WW2. classified 1987(??)
- many machines are supported & commisioned by the military.
- ENIAC - 18000 vacuum tubes!!
- Von Neumann - we should be able to write a program and storage it! so we could run over and over again!! - concept he made the principle he built. - use binary instead of decimal / use uniprocessor
- Murray Hopper - first computer scientist - thinking how to make com easy to use. we should write a program in a language we know and convert into binary. Pyron(?) Eng resembling language > convert to binary.
- Time-sharing paradigm
- Transisters : replace the vacuum tubes. reducing the size
- Integrated Circuit - allowed lots of transistors into small space - costs go downdowndown.
- Bill Gates / Paul Allen
- Radio Shack TRS-80 : first personal com. using Basic and language.
- in order to use all these microcontroller machines, need to know command language.
- Xerox - research lab - invention of Mouse / GUI
- Clock Frequency - because frequency cannot run faster than light?? - Mooer's Law!?
- Moore's Law is slowing because we are losing atoms?? since silicone is used as material so today research for an alternative such as Quantum processor? is going on.
- communication method > how vulnerable, using physical wire sharing it with the military. No individual signal. 1960's. DARPA suggested a theory of ~~ that can survive under nuclear attack
- Protocol for users to ~~ ITP/IC(?)
- img - loop, somewhat distributed to survive a certain amount of damage and function. 4??
- newschools?? - first blogger, only used by the scientist. not open to public
- 1984 - connected to Arpanet
- 1989 they knew how to build this research system in a huge population.
- 1990 lets open to the public! Arpanet became the internet.
- 1991 CERN - WWW!!!
- 1993 coool pizza order via web > make people call kkk / White House web including img!
- 1997 U.S Commercial Decency (about Web. what was their concern?)
- What is the Internet? - network of network
- Digital Form / Information Highway(capability of search, access to information) / Internet itself is infrastructure
- Wow spam by email, cuz its FREE
- Tim, B-Lee made web in order to share info btw him & colleagues. - using hypertext!)
- HTML - Hyper Text Markup Link
- the very first hypertext pioneered html invented in 1960 at Brown.
- In early stage, text based browser was quite closed.
- People starts to buy domain to own it. Like investigate. - Net Work Solution is in whole control of all domains.
- Web of information > formly silimar.
- when I search web, my address is also automatically sended as messege.
- Hex notation - like HTML using this to pick color!
- byte > half is Nibbles
- Digital = Discrete (we pick most discrete value) > digital representation is almost always approximation.
- each Pixel(picture element) has only one intensity / color
- High resolution, accurate depict means more memory, cost more in terms of hardware but Moore's Law is here!
- RGB - our eyes see and are most sensitive to RGB, so we use these to represent colors.
- we are using... 6milion1? anyway such a huge amount of bits to represent image.
- Milionarier!!!!!!!! ++++
- computer language is used to instructions for computer?
- OS is among other things manage the systems resources
- OS do supervise execution of processes / provide useful services and sequrity /manage memory
- OS comes about s
- GUI 1984 by Apple > macintosh (that AD!!!)
- address of specific file > pathname!
- directory is a collection of pathname, pathname is under directory, OS is kept in track in directory
- Interpreter: executes high-level... / compiler
- RAM: executed, OS brings the program into a segment of RAM allocated by the memory manager - its random access and fast!!
- most popular serial I/O used today is USB (Univeral Serial Bus, bus is sending binary)
- Disk drives are devices that provide Direct Acess to read and write data.
- vector graphics > computer knows, and re-draw as we scale up.
- bitmap vs vector - vector: computer-aided design(which like scale up able?) / 3D rendering, printing / animation /
- who owns it? you!? > freeware or licensing
- licensing: income stream ; but you still own property. Before days, when company distributed software by CD, hard to track.
- how to protect your IP? > Audits > like University copy.
- Copyright - Trademark (google logo, McDonald's Golden Arches..) - Patents (특허. real? not imagination? 17yr expires: generic drugs which became cheaper)
- GUI started from Xerox - first built for scientist. and Apple took basic idea.(1984) - Windows
- IBM; was a huge company, U.S sued this company (which signaled computer industry, government is looking over) but naturally, as technology shift, their domination got low? lost? anyway. Anyway Exclusionary Contracts > giving small software for free, which disadvantages others who trying to sell them. ex) free distributing I.E for free. Also, forcing Toshiba or other hardware company to include their software otherwise they will not give a good price.
- MS was sued by 200+ country and they wanted MS to break by IE/Office etc.. so they can compete with other companies.
- Apple > only At&t selled Iphone. only AT&T had apple Iphone fitting system?
- Volkswagen!! Dieselgate!!>desel car issue. turdo desel car test > software which knows whether it's in stationary to test or it's in the road. And, gives result to fool investigaters and change its performance when it's running on the road. > By steel movement!
- Edison figured out that moving image could become cinema
- Projector - light bulb > project through film
- Early days, film was flammable. sometimes catch a fire during projection > Kodak made less flammable!
- Film(24fps ; if it slows down, flicker, jittery > fools eye/brain to think its continuous) vs Video(30fps - inherits lot from broadcast television > some gets headache?? cuz of 30fps?)
- Video : Intensity / Color / Speed / Motion
- CMOS > 24000fps film and playback in 30fps and slowmotion!! High Res to Project which enlarges!
- DVD allowed video to stored based on MPEG-2 compression.
- Blu-Ray ; using blue laser instead red laser. > allows smaller dots, 1920x1080
- Digital format advantage > can access any frame!! / easy to edit cuz all binary / interactivity <> huge storage but MOOR'S LAW
- High Definition 1280x720 / 1920x1080 / 38..!?
- Compress (make approximation of original file) <> Decompression
- DATA Compression is possible cuz of lots of data is redundant
- Lossy compression : through data away to make file smaller
- Semantic techniqe > video(store the difference btw pixels instead of storing all pixels) vs text (ABBCCDDDDDDDDD = ABBCCD#9)
- CODECS : lossless(if you uncompress, its original) vs lossy(lose data)
- Temporal Spatial Redundancy Compression algoritum looks the changement btw each frame. >>> MPEG-2
- Analog film > PRINT the film. BUT if someone steels and pirate it!? So... Movies are shipped in Encrypted memory packs or downloaded to the theatres.
- No more film projector > Digital Projector : Clean and consistency of quality / More Secure Encrypted way / keep Track of cinema - control of playback numbers
- Database : a large collection of data > 1. Network Model (Fast but not flexible) 2. Relational Model
- Flat file system (when I can put all in one?) <> Multiple files associated, linked dynamically (gives flexibility for mining data)
- Query :
- Milionarier!!!!!!!! ++++
- Eyes detect : Rods and Cones
- Technically, White / Black ?
- how many bytes use to encode the color of a pixel? 3bytes (RGB) - each 255 combinations, 255 x 255 x 255 = 16milions
- CMOS(electronic eyes) captures the energy contained in waves of Photons - Eyes detect Photons
- Image recognition > use a filter that does line detection
- Video typically sampled and played back at 30fps (our brain cannot process that fast so see without flicker)
- file compression type ; lossy / lossless / syntatic(best way to reduce the size)
- SSN is so valuable - unique, travels through life.
- Video compression assumes that much of the data frame to frame is mostly the same.
- current Hi-Def standard is 1920x1080 / 4K ; 3800x4000
- using blue laser cuz shorter wavelength (blueray): more dots encode on disk
- MPEG-2 ; video compression killer format 40:1
- grace hopper > first readable english code?
- Pseudocode
- Expressions
- Variables
- Milionarier!!!!!!!! ++++
- Random interference (disrupts communications) is called NOISE
- in order to get from a transmitter to a receiver data must flow connection is called > channel?
- adding new info into video frames is COMPOSITING (add more stuff)
- COLORING > false color add = to give or emphasis things
- does Netflix stream compressed video? YYYY
- MPEG-2 > 40:1
- wireless communication is growing cuz it supports MOBILITY
- aquiring detailed info on abother person today is CHEAP & EASY
- Maware hides on your com and steals info / key > Trojan
- 1970 > AT&T+Motorola CELL PHONE
- capacity of communication channel is called BANDWIDTH (like a highway) - LATENCY (delay)
- why are internet service providers not happy with streaming services like Netflix(60~70% of capacity)/Amazon? > HUGE BANDWITH
- is Case Sensitive > so try to keep lowercase > Python Commands are always lowercase!
- Nature of the mind is...?
- Chinses Room > Its AI!
- AI research area ; Game Theory(?) / Machine Vision (like airplane??)
- Machine Vision, Computer Vision ; mostly about reconstructing the objects. >> connects to robotic.
- it takes long time to teach machine to do it in certain way but after that, they have tolerance to repeat.
- we can hyphotesis and imagine. But machines dont.
- Chat bot talking to each other
- 2001 Space Odyssey
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