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작가스크랩 _ 차재민: hysterics 본문
Hysterics from Jeamin Cha on Vimeo.
HD video, color, sound, 7min 6sec, 2014.
Courtesy the artist and Work on Work Production(Seoul)
Hysterics is a work inspired in part by Heinrich Heine’s poem “The Vale of Tears” in which a coroner reveals the cause of death of a miserable couple. I focused on the fact that the death of a couple is what is excluded in the situation, conceiving a relationship between hysteria and the agent that raises questions. In short, the work attempts to stage ‘meaninglessness’ and a hysteric state as a theatrical situation where white papers and a specific kind of lighting interact with each other. Moving on a circular track, the camera gazes the situation within the boundary of the track. It is the gaze that is singular and fixated (the video is shot in a single take). As the camera circles along the track, it records spatters of unidentified fluids on the sheets of paper, illuminated temporarily under the black light.This type of light is used as a scientific instrument in criminal investigations as the light illuminates the phosphorus in bones and blood. “Pain makes people raise questions, and those who question become hysteric.Those who refuse to take plausible explanation and attempt to find the fundamental reason constantly raise questions. (Since hysteria is itself a genuine shock and a signal that tells the agent is in confusion).Those who are in this hysteric state, the ones that raise questions until the end discover other individuals who become victims.”*
* Excerpt from the artist’s note.
Producer: Work on Work / Camera: Seongtaek Lee / Music: Minwhee Lee / Recording and Mixing: Morceau J. Woo / Assistant: Young-ji Hur / Appearance: Siseup Kim, Jungwon Lee,Young-ji Hur / Special thanks to: Dongseok Shin, Areum Woo
Courtesy the artist and Work on Work Production(Seoul)
히스테릭스는 하인리히 하이네의 시 "The Vale of Tears" 에서 검시관이 한 불행한 커플의 죽음에 관해 이야기하는 부분에서 받은 영감을 바탕으로 한 작업이다. I focused on the fact that the death of a couple is what is excluded in the situation, conceiving a relationship between hysteria and the agent that raises questions. 하얀 종이와 서로 반응하는 특수한 조명장치로 이루어진 연극적인 상황을 통해 히스테릭한 차원과 무의미한 차원을 작업을 통해 드러내고자 한다. 동그란 트랙을 돌아가는 카메라는 트랙 내의 상황을 응시한다. 흰 종이에 뿌려진 형광물질은 블랙라이트 아래에서 드러난다. 범죄조사현장에서 뼈와 혈흔을 드러낼 때 사용하는 블랙라이트아래에서. 고통은 사람들을 사유하게 만들고, 질문하게 만든다. 계속 의문을 품으며 사람들은 히스테릭한 상황에 빠지고 그럴듯한 변명에 설득되지 않은 채 계속해서 근본적인 질문을 하는 사람들은 끊임없는 사유 속에 빠지게 된다. 질문을 놓지 않고 히스테릭한 상황에 처해 있던 사람들은 마지막에 희생양이 된 개인, 타자들을 발견하게 된다.
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